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Controller Setup

Controller bindings can be changed in the settings.ini file that generates when you first start the game.

By default, PlayStation and Xbox controllers are supported, while keyboard uses ASD for jumping, W for turning super, the arrow keys for movement and Enter for the start button.


If you wish to change the keyboard bindings, you can refer to this table for button values.


If you're using a controller that does not work with the default bindings, it can sadly come down to trial and error. Presets are available below for some of the more popular controllers. You can access a tool to test your button mappings by holding the down button for three seconds on the SEGA screen (directional buttons are normally mapped correctly).

If you have mapped a controller that doesn't appear below, please let us know so we can add it as a preset.


M30 gamepad.png
RetroBit gamepad.png
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